Why is social media so addictive?

The dopamine feedback loop.

Have you ever heard of a term called "dopamine feedback loop"? What is the mechanism behind addictions including social media? What features of social media make it so irresistible? Let's take a look.

Social media is irresistible because it has been designed that way.

Social networking sites use a great deal of user data that is purposefully created to encourage addiction. These platforms use sophisticated algorithms that have been developed during years of research to tailor and maximize the delivery of content. The reward system—user responses like likes, shares, and comments—is the main mechanism behind this addiction. Users are triggered to want greater involvement by these reactions, which work as dopamine triggers. Based on behavioral psychology and data-driven insights, this design generates a feedback loop that entices users to return, eventually making social media addictive.We can discuss four major features of social media that make it irresistible.

  1. Accessibility: Social media is accessible 24/7 from everywhere. Thanks to smartphones and other mobile devices, people have almost unlimited access to social media platforms.

2. Quantity: There is an endless amount of content that is produced everywhere. Because of this constant flow of posts, videos, comments etc., you never run out of things to explore online.

3. Novelty: It is always possible to find new and interesting content on social media. There is always something fresh to explore. Once you are hooked then you will stay because you will wonder what's new.

4. Potency: The realm of social media is beyond us. The reach of social media is very wide, a lot of people can use it, and the circulation happens at an extremely fast pace. It is literally everywhere.

These four features can be explained in terms of the 'dopamine feedback loop.' The reward here is getting as many reactions as possible. In the documentary called Stare Into the Lights My Pretties, Tristan Harris mentions that social media is designed in a similar way to slot machines. The element of novelty is also present in these machines, where you don't know when or what kind of reward you'll receive. This uncertainty keeps you engaged, just like someone who can sit in front of a slot machine for more than 24 hours, waiting for that reward. Similarly, we wait for our rewards with our phones in hand.