The Reluctant Prophet
"A reluctant hero faces destiny, where prophecy and doubt collide."
While you love rich like this, my answer remained poor. Everything has a purpose from side to side. It is also a reason for the contraction. It is very helpless to feed on the light of others. I'm starting to see myself now. Enlightenment. The fox came out of the darkness with its light in its old age. Pain makes me beautiful. He is waking up to his truth. Waking up to the truth of the relationship. Duality is disappearing. When we cannot escape from emotions, we multiply with abundance. Help with dreams so that he can fly from his nest to freedom. Mixed. This love is completely different. It's not of this world. Effort is the sexiest thing. It's not just about emotions. A miraculous home. We are children of the same sun. We can be one if we can look at each other without fear. Happiness is very easy. Notice my light. To be generous and to replace what you get. By starting to see himself, he will open the door to freedom. Serious introspection, confrontation, rest. Why am I not like you? It was laid on the table. Being self-sufficient. It is happiness. To exist like nature. With magnificence. Enjoy. This is a blessing. The abundance of what you have. Quality not quantity. Quality. It is the soul. This love makes me think a lot. I see peace in you. I want to make this change in myself. He doesn't feel ready to open up about his feelings. It melts like ice cream until it disappears and comes into existence again. I want to take you into my life. I want you next to me. He could not be himself when it came to environmental choices. He had to disguise himself. It goes from shape to shape like a chameleon. What is your real identity? I can see you. I can read. You see this too. Understand that you shouldn't be kidding around me. Understand that you can trust me. He's afraid to be seen. Spirit family. He realized that he would see me nearby. His mask melts next to me before he sees himself. She gets naked. He can't keep it together and he's afraid. I can trust you. I can be myself. I need to face my naked reality on my own. A wise woman who rose above duality. This is your destiny. Now is the time to make a change. I turned on the heater but it was hot. His feelings are starting to become clear. He is starting to stand firmly on the ground. Light activation has begun. New energies. It opens to receive light. Light leaks through the cracks. Being able to see the big picture. Creative ideas. The next stage should be walking with you. Drawing boundaries is masculine. The intelligence of the universe is within you—no need to look outside. The truth is great. It is achieved with the heart and details are the devil. Part of the herd. All roads lead home. It's time to stay in the frame and connect. Deep down one knows how many carats there are. To survive, he starts over and clings to life. When they ask the camel why its neck is crooked, he says society is tired of the standard perception of beauty. Heavy depressions are also passing.
“The dead also think that the living eats halva every day.”
“There are many blurry things that you think are pure and clear.”
Rumi, Masnavi