The Scary Phase Of The 20s.

We all have been part of the scary phase 20s. Everyone told you things to get done but here are things that they didn't told you.

We are often met with people and their expectations. We are taught we should have everything figured out in our 20s. Career, finance, and our overall life. We never understand that though we plan everything out. Life doesn’t follow our rules or plans. We are exposed to what we call a standard to be accepted in society. We struggle to fit in with these standards set by society.

“We should have everything figured out” is something that my mom used to tell me in my early 20s. To figure out my career, to have a plan. To have a plan B. Honestly, those words left more of a pressure on me than inspiring me to get up and get going. This left me with a lot of self-doubt and anxiety if I ever messed up the plan. 

I believe I am not the only one who goes through this and let me tell you since now I am in my 20s. It seems like a scary ride but it is partially true. The twenties are still a phase to learn about yourself, your career, and other things. Whoever told you that having everything figured out by 20 hasn't figured things out by themselves. Every completion of ten years in your life will land you in those 20s, 30s, and 40s. Trust me, everyone is too busy in their life to care enough about what you are doing in your late 20s. 

People will talk and give suggestions. Do this and that. You need to know at the end of the day it is you who is living your life and not them. They will come and give their ‘ precious’ advice and leave your life. I believe the 20s is the time, you should stop giving power to all these people who have nothing good to say about you or your life. The power lies within you. You are the creator of your own reality. If you hand over the remote control of your life to somebody else, they will play around with your life like changing channels.

As a person who goes with the flow of life with no apparent plan, take it from me. Focus on the present. Even if you have a plan for the future, life never really works according to us. This is not to give a negative approach to life but it is a fact. Life can be unpredictable at times and we are expected to accustom to every twist and turn of it. 

Every phase of life is a learning process in itself. Nothing as such ‘ too old for this .‘ Some people find success later in life. Vera Wang, an amazing fashion designer found her success in her late 40s.On the origin of the species, Charles Darwin was 50 years years old when he published his book which is known to be history’s biggest theory. I won’t take much of your time by telling you all the people who achieved success later in life. 

The reason why I brought this topic of success here is that a lot of us are driven by the word success. We all want to be successful in our life. We want to lead a good life. Our success won’t come in our early stages of life. Sometimes, we would meet success later in life. A lot of us want success but then we meet failure and decide to never go down that road again. We need to be patient and trust the process. Our twenties is still a phase where we can grow as a person. 

Let no one tell you that you can’t do anything such as growing, making mistakes, or having a good life. Our growth, our mistakes, and our lives run at different paces. We cannot rush it or else we will be out of breath. What you should be told in your 20s is that it's okay if you don’t have a plan. Let’s just go around and see what suits the best of your taste. You can live and grow but never be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes make us who we are today. 

Don’t be afraid of aging! We all age and nobody can escape it. Don’t complicate life by listening to others. Just live your life on your terms.