This Blog Has Found You

It is not a coincidence. You meant to read this blog.

As the visual media channels grow stronger daily, the creators use them to share their art, work, and most importantly their opinions. These videos have been around since, maybe the beginning of YouTube; but, as the spirituality and their community grew stronger spirituality became a part of the popular culture. People started to create social media content to share information about it.

But is it right to name these videos using phrases like "This video is for you! You have a message. You are seeing this for a reason"?

When creators put these naming styles on their games, it is mostly because they want to be seen and attract viewers. And most of them become successful with their aim.

Does the video really find you?

If you believe it enough, yes, it might find you miraculously. But it can't be always the case. As you know, social media platforms have algorithms that give you what you want. So, as a person who is into spirituality, there is a great chance you attracted those videos- not because your soul needed it, but because the algorithm gave you what you've been consuming already.

I've been consuming spiritual content since 2012 and these types of clickbait were always on. But as the new age spiritualists came to the surface, they tried to sell make-believes about manifestation; with "channeling messages" and making them a part of pop culture, these contents began to multiply. Am I not watching them? Sometimes, if I feel like it. As I'm a believer that everything and everyone is connected, I am also aware of the fact that algorithm does what it does. Even though I haven't watched similar content, even in a month, it still suggests me the same type of content.

This is not an attack on anybody. Please keep that in mind.

What if it does find me?

Sure, it can. If you really think that you got what you needed in those videos, then kudos to you. To make sure that it is meant for you, try to listen to them without expecting anything. Try to observe your life and be sure to make the right connections.