Why do Poets Use Nature Elements in Their Poems?

Unchanging natural elements in poetry.

Poets use the elements of nature a lot in their poetry because the complexity of nature resembles the complexity of human beings. Elements in nature are identified with human emotions and experiences and evoke emotions common to all people. Thanks to its universality and symbolism, nature never lets poets down. It always renews itself. The elements of nature most frequently used in the poems are the sun, moon, storm and stars. Let's take a look at what each of them represents:

We don't even need to know the symbolic meaning of the sun to know what it symbolizes. When we look up at the sky and see the sun, the feelings that arise in us when we see the sun are very familiar to us. If we put these feelings into words, we get poetry. What are these feelings? The freshness inside us and the dazzle of the sun tell us about life and energy. The warmth of the sun reminds us of the warmth of our feelings. 

For some poets, the moon's appearance at night, bringing light to the darkness, is written as an intervention into dark emotions, while for others it represents a mysterious environment. The setting of the moon and the rising of the sun symbolize change and transformation and the moon evokes very complex emotions in people because it appears at night and has light. 

The storm is an important element to convey the intensity of emotion going on inside people. It is especially used to describe anger and not knowing what to do. The strength of the storm also symbolizes the turmoil that unavoidable situations create in people. 

Stars become a source of inspiration for poets. The guidance of the stars has become a sense of hope. Since it is a cosmic force, a star can be a way of destiny for someone. The fact that the sky is home to more than one star symbolizes the vastness of nature. 

In addition to nature being all around us, when we look at ourselves, we see that it is within us. We feel that we live with nature, we reflect it in our emotions, and we look for remedies in nature. Now we understand better that nature is the unchanging element in the poems written from ancient times to these years.