"Clean Girl" Trend vs. Reality

To be clean or to be healthy.

Online trends influence us more than we think. Each year, a new trend comes out, and the fashion, the makeup, and the sports we do get their shapes according to that. With this new trend, women are encouraged to wear clean colors, do clean makeup and put on a sleek bun. Also, their lifestyles should be clean too. The main sport is either yoga or pilates. And they are encouraged to eat and drink healthy stuff.

Here is the link for the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgMU5salw9g&pp=ygUKY2xlYW4gZ2lybA%3D%3D

When you look at social media, there are many videos that give tips about how to be a clean girl. From YouTube to TikTok, many influencers and models share their clean girl lifestyles. In the shops, there are many beige and white-colored clothes. Lip glosses are again on the top. But these are all thanks to/because of the clean girl trend.

The famous model, Hailey Bieber, is the leader of this lifestyle. With her glowing hair and skin, she looks clean all the time. She wears minimalistic clothes that go well with one another. She prefers to wear no makeup makeup. She never forgets to put on her sunscreen and lip gloss, which both make her glow. She usually do a sleek bun that brings attention to her face. Her bun is always flawless, and looks clean. She consume healthy food. And, she practices to be more healthy. Everything about her is clean. And, she influenced our last few years. Majority of young women are influenced by this trend too. There are even some stuff that people buy in order to be clean. However, is this trend real at all? Or, how does it affect women?

The queen of this trend, Hailey Bieber is 27 years old. She is not old, however she is not a teenager either. When she was a teen, she did not live like this. She used to have nights out, and she used to eat fast food with her friends. It is even funny when we say used to, because she still does that. She did not care how her hair looked when she was a teen. However, nowadays, teenagers look up to Hailey Bieber. Instead of going out and experiencing life with their friends, many girls choose to stay home. They do not want to spend a night out, they do not want to wear clothes that do not look clean. However, being a teen means letting your hair down and have the time of your life as much as they can. I am not saying that teens should be encouraged to do unhealthy stuffs. But, they need to live this life as a teen. Though, because of this trend, teens live like young adults.

Being healthy and being encouraged to be healthy is actually very nice. However, making people think that they have to be healthy no matter what is not healthy at all. Sometimes, we wake up and we feel less energetic than other days. It is not our fault. Sometimes, we have to stay up until our work is done. It is not our fault. Sometimes, instead of drinking a cup of detox tea, we need to go out and drink beer with our friends. And, it is not our fault. To be and to stay healthy all the time means that we need to have a healthy mindset too. With this trend, people feel bad when they cannot do yoga one day because they were sick. They feel bad when they eat a piece of fast food. They feel insufficient. Also, some it girl influencers turn this into a competition. They act like the healthiest will win. However, we should be healthy for ourselves, not because people will think that way. Unlike the main trend, we should not let people decide the way we want to live. Pilates is not for everyone, sometimes boxing can be for you. Do not be afraid to try out new stuff. Nobody has to be cleaner than the influencer they keep seeing online.

Basically, to be healthy, we all have to understand that our minds exist too. Wear that clothes, if you like. Do that bun if you love the way you look. Do that makeup if you feel happy. But, never forget that life is not a straight line, we do not have to be productive all the time. We do not have to be healthy every day. We should all experience ups and downs that life brings to us. We should be thankful that we are alive. And, we have the ability to experience. Thank you for reading my content and my ideas. Do not forget to look after your body and mind for yourself. See you!