
How do you interpret the CITY OF THE GOD movie psychologically?

Have you ever wondered how crime rates go higher? Well, I have. In the movie called the City Of God, I took a chance to understand the reason why crime rates increased. So there are several effects on people how people’s brains consult violence or give reaction to it. 

Firstly, I observed that some people are rationalists such as Goose and  Shaggy. They were stealing tubes because they needed them. They werent capable of affording the price by working because the government didnt support them so they had to steal stuff. Moreover, after they stole the tubes and driver’s Money, they did not spend  Money on their hobbies except for drugs they distributed that Money to kids and their families. 

An additional observation is that some people were sweaty. The reason behind this is drug addiction. Drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and weed have side effects. To explain, drugs trigger the brain’s prefontal cortex. It is a powerful motivation. When the brain got used to it our body seeks serotonin which is known as the happiness hormone. So how do you think that our bodies stop looking for it? The answer is Lil Zee. Since he has almost all the drugs in town, people had to get along with him so they joined Lil zee’s side and became Lil Zee’s slaves. 

The third observation that I did is violence. In the movie, there was so much violence. For instance, people weren’t just buying drugs they were buying guns. When Lil zee is annoyed by not having the all territory, he wanted to be the emperor of the drug town(Rio). So he killed people in order to have what he wanted. In my opinion, he is self-centered like a child.  

The other observation is aggression. People weren’t kind they were aggressive even when young people were playing a football game. Those kids were aggressive because they learned anger from their environment. Agression may come from the environment and biologically and the amygdala is responsible for our actions. 

What about Rocket? Unlike Goose, he is not interested in guns and violence as his elder brother. According to Darwin, even if you are adopted, your behavior is just like your biological parents. In my opinion, he is adopted by Street because he grow up there so he should have been one of them but not since his real parents are against crime. So his moral development is just like his father who is earning Money by working not by stealing. When father learned that the Money that came from Goose is dirty, bloody Money. He didnt support Goose and told Rocket that he shouldnt do stuff like his brother. 

When Lil Zee raped Mane Galinha’s girlfriend. Mane couldnt look at her and that poisoned him on the inside.So this is the part where I am gonna talk about the cognitive consistency theorem. He wanted to have a cold dinner named revenge. So he joined Lil zee’s enemy and fought with them against Lil. At first, Mane said that war was something bad he was a peaceful person when he was on the bus with Rocket and he said that he would consult violence only if it is necessary. After her girlfriend’s rape, Lil killed his parents. Mane told  Sandro(Lil's enemy) that killing people is something bad but he wants to kill Lil Zee so he says it is okay if we kill bad people. That was the cognitive consistency theorem. 

The last observation is about why those fights never stop. You might experience fulhsbulb memory or rehersal things that you have been through. Moreover, by making the memory long-term we should encode, store and retrieval the information. In the movie where the movie ends inner voices said that they forgot why they were fighting. Because after a long time they couldnt remember why they fought in the first place this may be repsession so they couldnt retrieval. In other words, they couldnt remember but still kept fighting anyways. 

In the movie, we see that Lil and Rocket changed their names. Unlike Lil, I didnt understand why Rocket changed his name but in my defense, Lil changed his name because he was religious. So he wanted more power from god so that he can become his society’s god. He got blessed by someone. Also, some people in the movie stopped stealing and turned back to church. We conclude that religion has a significant role. 

I have observed that sometimes the only way is with a knife when danger is your friend. Also, the only way includes other ways. All in all, I noticed that those ways are being rationalist, addiction, violance, aggression, cognitive consistency, remembering, and religion.