Laurence Anyways (2012): A Story Of Change

A love story with everything in it.

The art of being and the logic of the heart.

-"So... will you still love me?" Laurence said.

-"Are you becoming a woman or an idiot?" said his mother.

The film tells the story of change with an objective eye. It is the story of finding yourself and changing your body and life, the reactions of those you know and you don't, the struggle to find oneself within an order shaped by the disappearance of the line between living and not living, after a certain point. When the story of 'passion' turning into 'love and self-esteem' is combined with the iconic soundtracks, it is impossible not to congratulate director Xavier Dolan with his expressions of characters.

Throughout the film, we deal with our main character's coming out and acceptance of being born in the wrong body and after, the effects of this acceptance. Whether it's the support of his girlfriend or the explanation of his dysfunctional relationship with his parents through violence -especially his father-, the resulting masterpiece draws attention to some social problems by highlighting the issues of gender, injustice, respect, and privacy, which are among the most serious problems of our day. Addressing questions such as "Why a decision made by a person with their own body and lifestyle can lead to them being banned from their career?", really allows you to brainstorm while watching the film with excitement. And our supporting character Fred, who is also known as Laurence's girlfriend. How Laurence’s girlfriend Fred reacts to Laurence’s transformation causes her to question her own self-perception and expectations of the relationship, while Fred’s emotional journey deepens the complex relationship at the heart of the film.

  • In 'Laurence Anyways,' Nathalie Baye is Laurence's mother, and she is quite an awful mother. Still, she is the only one in the end who truly accepts her daughter. -Xavier Dolan
Laurence and Fred

Additionally, Xavier Dolan’s unique cinematographic style heightens the emotional intensity of the film. The color palette, camera angles, and scene compositions reflect our protagonist's inner world and the way going through his transition. To understand that situation better, we have to more closely look at the film's critiques. It received generally positive reviews from critics and won several awards, with praise being given to Dolan's directing style and the depth of the characters.

Laurence after a fight

For an art film, too much importance was given to the details in the script and visuals. If I were to mention one negative aspect of it, I would say that the film is a bit long. But don't be fooled by the length. The time passes faster as the film draws you in.

Finally, I must say that if you like romantic dramas that talk about social problems, I strongly recommend you to watch this art film because I am pretty sure that it will make you think in completely different horizons.

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Fred: Do you walk in my shoes? Do you live my life? You and your questions, stay out of my life! You have no right over me! ― Laurence Anyways (2012)