Roots of Pride Month

Stonewall and Its Importance

June is Pride Month as we all know and hear from anyone and everyone. We see rainbows, and people celebrating, dancing, singing, and loving each other everywhere. But do we ever stop and think about the reason why people do this? What is the reason for Pride Month? Why is it in June? Why do we celebrate queer identities? The answers are here.

The first Pride Month celebration took place on the first anniversary of The Stonewall Riots that occurred in 1969 in Manhattan, New York. The riots were against a police raid in a gay bar called Stonewall Inn, hence the name Stonewall Riots. The police raid took place on June 28 but the riots continued for several next days. Before then, the queer community was rather passive when it came to the police but this time, their anger showed itself while facing them. Lesbians, gays, and transgender identities came together to fight for their much-deserved rights.

Two of the important figures of the riots were Stormé DeLarverie and Marsha P. Johnson. It is commonly believed that what really ignited the riots was the arrest of Stormé DeLarverie who asked others to do something about her arrestment. When the riot began on the first night and Marsha P. Johnson arrived, she did not hold back to fight for herself and the others. It is also widely known that she threw the first brick at the police during the events but later she denied the action stating that she hadn’t thrown it.

On the first anniversary of the riots, many queer people from different cities in the USA celebrated this reclamation of their rights with demonstrations, parades, and marches. And ever since then, queer people gather annually in the month of June to celebrate the joy of being queer and to remember how they fought for their rights just to exist and to be accepted as they are.

It is crucially important to support those queer people around us and make sure that they are accepted and welcome. And if you are one of the members of the LGBTQ+ community reading this, your identity has significance and it is valid and you are always loved.

Happy Pride Month!