The Blood Countess: Elizabeth Báthory

Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Esced, the noblewoman who bathed in virgins' blood to maintain her youth.

As a member of the powerful and wealthy family called Báthory, Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Esced probably thought that she could do anything she wanted to do and get away with everything, including murdering virgins and bathing in their blood. The incident that made Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Esced infamously called the Blood Countess was her bathing in young female virgins' blood to maintain her youth. Due to the accusation of killing and torturing hundreds of young females, Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Esced and four of her servants were put in the spotlight. While the four servants were trialed and convicted, Bathory was sentenced to be locked in a bricked room in her castle but the sources say Bathory was freely moving inside the castle, making his confinement more like a house arrest.

Some indefinite sources attribute the cruelty of Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Esced to the way her family raised her. It is claimed that her parents specifically trained her to be a cruel person. Most likely resulting from their power and wealth, the Báthory family was a tyrant family ordering tortures and brutal punishments to their inferiors or enemies. It is stated in the sources that the young Elizabeth was witnessing these inhumane punishments which were executed by her family's officers. It is also said that young Elizabeth at a very young age was taught Satanism and witchcraft by her family members. Even though these stories stand to reason when one thinks about the cruelty of Elizabeth, these may as well be just rumors since there is no hard evidence to prove these claims.