The Passionate Love Between Aphrodite and Ares

The power of love between the Love Goddess and the War God

In Greek Mythology, there are 12 significant Gods and Goddesses living in Mount Olympus. Aphrodite and Ares are some of the most well-known Gods and Goddesses of them. Aphrodite is the Goddess of sexual love and beauty while Ares is the God of war. They represent quite the opposite feelings but the attraction between the two is too intense.

Although there are many different versions of the love relationship between the two, it is known that Aphrodite is married to Hephaestus, the God of Fire. Since her husband is ugly, she has relationships with many other Gods, Ares also has many different lovers as well. But this couple creates something different when they come together with their chemistry because of Aphrodite's very feminine and Ares's masculine traits.

On the other hand, Hephaestus is tired of his wife's infidelity and he desires this love relationship to end. Since he is good at using hammer, fire and forge, he creates an invisible net to trap Aphrodite and Ares while they are in bed. He chases the two lovers and when he catches them together, he covers them with a net and summons other Gods and Goddesses, especially Zeus to condemn these lovers. Yet, according to some versions, Gods and Goddesses condemn Hephaestus instead of Aphrodite for revealing their fallacy.

From this union, many infants are born, the most famous of which is Eros, the god of Love who throws arrows into people's hearts to make them fall in love.