Why Samantha?

Yes, she is fabulous!

"Sex and the City". A quintessential 90s New Yorker series where two-paycheck heels fly high, heartbroken women seek new thrills, and men open their eyes to a new era of metrosexuality.

In the series, we watch the relationships of these four innovative, economically independent women, who continue their single lives with many adventures and reflect the fast-paced era of the 90s.

The show consists of events narrated in the column written by the character Carrie (second from the left) for a newspaper. Carrie is a creative, big shoe lover, and a quintessential New York woman who loves her comfort zone. Her column about relationships, sex, and, of course, New York (the city) is filled with the experiences she and her friends have in the breathtaking life of New York.

The show portrays the daily events experienced by the characters, followed by scenes where these four women share their stories and exciting news with each other over lunch at a restaurant.

Miranda, a successful lawyer with a realistic demeanor, embodies a weary New York woman. Our redheaded warrior is seen examining the menu in the photo. Carrie, our writer, smiles next to her, wearing one of the famous 90s headbands. Across from Carrie is Charlotte, who, despite being somewhat conservative, is a modern, compassionate woman. She is strong and beautiful, having been married twice throughout the series, and holds an ideal of a perfect spouse and family. Charlotte is also an art history expert and was responsible for a major gallery in New York in the show.

And then, there is Samantha, the most independent and original woman in the series with her bold ideas in many areas. Samantha is the most passionate character in the show who never seems to age. Unlike the other three members of the group, Samantha maintains a stance against committed relationships, at least for much of the series. She doesn't have a steady boyfriend, and many actors come and go as Samantha's partners in the show. She doesn't believe in commitment and has never lived under the shadow of any man. With her confidence and charm, Samantha is actually the most complex character in the series.

Samantha's sparkle, her passion for life and beautiful things, and her self-love are truly inspiring. 'I love you, but I love me more,' she says in one scene. Despite being ideologically opposed to it, our Samantha falls in love. When she realizes that this love is starting to drag her down, she breaks up with the man with these words.

As an event planner organizing grand events, Samantha knows everyone and can get through any door in New York. She always gets what she wants, a fact she openly states in the series.

Samantha is quite unfamiliar with concepts like marriage, children, a regular life, and boyfriends. In fact, in the series, she even ignores a man who left his wife to be with her.

Then Samantha meets a man as passionate and energetic as she is, with whom she shares her energy in many ways. This wealthy and handsome man pushes at the relationship window she has closed with thick curtains. Throughout the series, Samantha falls in love for the first time. Unlike many men she never sees again and has erased from her mind, she forms a special bond, experiencing the feeling of being able to love for the first time.

This won’t be Samantha’s only love. By the end of the series, Samantha will touchingly experience true love and affection with a single man, bringing tears to all our eyes. While your eyes might be focused on the popcorn popping on the stove, I must admit that seeing such a strong woman as Samantha, who has been through so many events in the series, find and share the purest form of love in the arms of a man was truly heartwarming for me.

The barriers she had built, like the Great Wall of China around her relationship, had been torn down, and she was finally happy. Alongside the major challenges she had faced, she had a supportive partner who never left her side and friends who had been with her since they first met.

The reason behind the title 'Why Samantha?' wasn't to highlight that Samantha is the best character in the series. Instead, it was to give a nod to Samantha's character who knows what she wants and does everything to achieve it, so to speak, flattering her. She is truly an inspiration. Rather than comparing the confident, sensitive, and successful New York women in the series, it would be more beneficial to optimize their strong traits and experiences by relating them to our own lives.

After all, being a Manhattan girl and sipping on a Cosmopolitan while listening to a friend's woes isn't exactly a walk in the park!