WWSJD? (What Would Samantha Jones Do?)

When in doubt, just ask yourself: What would she do?

I'm a big fan of HBO's 1998 romantic comedy-drama television series Sex and The City. Just on my 20th birthday, only this year, I started watching the show SATC and became obsessed right away. Back in 1998, I was surprised at how relevant the show is still in 2023. I have been patiently waiting for HBO's revival spin-off of the series, And Just Like That... Reuniting the OG stars of the show and adding more diversity with the new characters, I enjoyed it. Especially Seema Patel quickly became my new favorite character. However, Kim Cattrall's Samantha was absent series which was disappointing for many SATC fans like me. Many people, and also me, think that Samantha is the character who brings the sex in Sex And The City. With her strong independence, uniqueness, her being herself unapologetically as always, and unforgettable quotes; she made the show what it is. She was the OG Girlboss, she invented the term Girlboss. I believe that Samantha taught many women, including me how to be a badass woman during her six-season run of HBO’s Sex and The City. So in the face of hardship, I find myself asking the question: What would Samantha Jones Do? 

  1. Of course, she would do the most Samantha Jones thing she could do: Throwing an '' I don't have a baby'' shower. In a world where many men can't stand a woman who knows her worth and tries to make us feel like we are worth less, Samantha did not let that get into her. This woman never stepped down and she was unapologetic and always knew her worth.

2. She was too real for that. What Samantha Jones won't do is that she would never cry over a man.

3. She never tried to conform to society's standards and she did not care about what people say about her through the show. The consistency of not giving a damn about a thing, EVER.

4. The key to happiness: Never look back on your mistakes. It is what it is and Samantha knew that very well.

5. Again, what makes her the most iconic and unforgivable character of the show is her unapologeticness. She never apologized for who she was and her sexual life. Samantha Jones said ''FU!!!!'' to slut-shamers even before it was a thing.

6. That woman knew how to party (and how to throw it apparently.) She is the life of the party and we adore her for it.

7. Last but not least, this iconic quote is always on my mind. I just hope all women are living by this motto. And if you ask me, this is the most important lesson that we should learn from Samantha. Might sound narcissistic, but let the women be narcissistic now. It is our turn to be selfish.

All in all, Samantha Jones is an unforgivable and most reliable character when it comes to being a boss woman on HBO's Sex and The City. Even though it was Carrie Bradshaw who was supposed to give bits of advice and write about them in the newspaper column ''Sex and The City'', she was hardly the role model when it came to being a powerful woman figure. More often than not, she was the least likable and she was barely considered as the powerful feminist figure in the series. However, if you are looking for a piece of fashion advice, you can always rely on Carrie Bradshaw. Gender roles and relationships were hardly her strongest suit, but that woman knew shoes. Gotta give her this one. Even she said so: