Youtube Channel Recs

From a sick youtube addict

If you are like me or any other person who is in possession of a smart phone, then you definitely watch Youtube videos. It is unfortunately an addiction for me that has been going around since 2014. With my ten years of Youtube addiction history and my taste in different Youtube channels, I have decided to make a list of Youtubers that I enjoy watching. Most of the creators on the list are queer so it is also a nice addition to support them with the views. The channel range is wide, from The Sims 4 channels to fashion girlies, we have everything covered here, don't worry!


First channel that I would recommend is Lindseyrem. Lindsey, who is an ex graphic designer now content creator, has been on Youtube since 2013 and I have been following her for almost 6 or 7 years. She posts about fashion, gluten-free recipes, daily or weekly vlogs, mental health and well-being and veganism! Her videos are so calming to watch and she definitely adds something to you through her videos, whether tey are about fashion or cooking recipes. Lindsey’s videos are generally around 15-20 minute long so they are easier to consume if you are struggling with your attention span.

Lily Cameron

Lily is someone that I’ve discovered very recently while trying to understand what an UX Designer does at work. Lily’s channel focuses on her daily vlogs as an UX Designer. She has videos that she talks about her career paths change and growth and the general aspects of UX Designing. She has been posting videos for the past couple of years and her short but engaging vlogs are helpful to entertain you. She is easy to watch, very smart and beautiful!


Lucca is one of the two The Sims 4 content creators on the list. They have been an active Youtuber since 2016 and their videos are usually just speed building videos on The Sims 4 although there are some gameplay videos here and there as well. During their videos, they talk both about the buildings they build and their daily life as well. Their aesthetic taste in interior and exterior design shows itself on the builds they build in the game, which is such a nice and inspiring thing to watch. They have a fun personality and if you are praticing English, Lucca’s yapping about their life can definitely help you with listening, pronounciation and daily phrases in the languge.

Coco Day

Coco Day has been another recent discovery for me personally. I have been following her on Tiktok for months but didn’t realize she had a Youtube channel as well. Coco has been posting videos since 2018. Her videos mainly consist of vlogs which are very entertaining. Her vibes and interests in life are so fun to watch and her videos generally make you feel like you are actually one of her friends facetiming her. She is into sports, she is a bookworm, she is an artist and she is hot as hell. So... You should definitely check her channel out.


Gryphi is the other The Sim 4 channel on my list. Much like Lucca, who is also Gryphi’s friend, Gryphi shares speed build videos about The Sims 4 too. She occasionally posts about the new DLCs when they are released as well. Gryphi posts a few videos every week so she is a very active content creator. The channel has been around since 2011, when most of us were in diapers. Their videos and personality are so entertaining and welcoming thus allowing her to build a great and supporting community within the channel.


Munchi’s channel has been one of my favorites for the last couple of years. Her aesthetics and calm vibes are so relaxing to watch. Munchi has been posting videos actively for the past 3 years and her videos are heavily 10 to 15 minute long vlogs. During these vlogs, you can see her interests in life which are K-pop, anime, books and arts and crafts. If you are into these things then watching Munchi’s aesthetically pleasing videos will be great for you.


Ondo is a South Korean vlogger whom I have been following since 2021. She posts weekly vlogs that are usually over 20 minutes. She is a very calm person which makes her vlogs very relaxing as well. In her videos, she usually has footage about cooking which is one of her passions. She also includes her work life, shopping hauls and the cute cafes she visits. She is very entertaining and addictive to watch. Without even knowing, you can spend a good portion of your day watching her vlogs.


TheLineUp is one of the channels that I have been following since high school. Behind TheLineUp, there are two young women, Julia and Maya. Their old videos used to be about fashion and outfit ideas for different locations, events and occasions, however, a few years ago, Maya had decided to take a break from the channel, leading Julia to be the only one behind the videos and her changing the content a little bit. Good news though, Maya has returned a couple of months ago and they continue to make videos together even though their content has changed over time. Their recent videos are apartment tours, for example. But the quality of their content has improved despite these drastic changes in the channel. If you are into fashion, you should definitely check out both their Youtube channel and also Instagram accounts since they are more active on that platform.

Pick Up Limes

Pick Up Limes is a channel I came across whilst looking for vegan recipes on Youtube when I was in university. Sadia, who is the kind soul behind the channel, is a nice and helpful person. She usually posts about easy, plant-based recipes to help people cooking delicious vegan meals, though there are some videos of hers where she talks about mental well-being or that are just vlogs about her daily life. The channel has been around since 2016 and you should look into it if veganism/vegetarianism is something you are interested in.